From Despair to Hope: Flossy’s Heartbreaking Journey to a Loving Home

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Hewitt, known to use his dogs for hunting wildlife, faced legal consequences concerning a lurcher in a dire state of health. An RSPCA inspector poignantly referred to this dog as a ‘walking skeleton’.

This dog, named Flossy, had a mere weight of 11.6kg, which is significantly less than the standard weight for her breed, especially after being underfed for a duration of around six weeks.

She exhibited signs of neglect with overgrown nails, a leg injury, hip sores, and a vet’s assessment rated her health as a mere one out of five. Hewitt acknowledged his negligence towards Flossy, particularly her deteriorating health and weight.

Records indicate that Flossy was initially housed in a flat on Cedarhurst Drive, Lingdale, Saltburn-by-the-Sea. However, after Hewitt relocated to his mother, Karen Bennison’s residence on the same street, Flossy was abandoned and left to fend for herself. Fortunately, a vigilant individual intervened, saving her from a grim fate.


Despite moving, Hewitt was known to revisit the flat, fully cognizant of Flossy’s worsening state.

Upon investigating, RSPCA inspector Garry Palmer ensured Flossy received immediate medical attention. Efforts to interrogate Hewitt regarding the matter repeatedly hit a dead end.

The vet who assessed Flossy remarked, “During the check-up, it was evident that Flossy was malnourished. Any observant adult could see this. A healthy lurcher of her age should ideally weigh between 25/30kg (55.1 – 66.1 pounds). With proper nutrition, Flossy’s weight improved noticeably. It’s clear that her weight loss was a prolonged issue, spanning over six weeks or even more. The person in charge undoubtedly subjected her to undue distress.” It was also revealed that Hewitt, who spent £10 daily on cannabis, claimed he lacked the funds to nourish either himself or Flossy.

The court deemed the severity of the crime warranted imprisonment. However, considering Hewitt’s prior 35-day incarceration for a separate incident, they opted for a community order.

Reflecting on the case’s closure, Inspector Palmer expressed, “Had Flossy not been rescued in time, she might not have survived much longer, given her skeletal state. Her recovery, post proper care and nutrition, has been remarkable. I’m heartened to see her thriving with her new caregiver. We’re also indebted to the police for their invaluable assistance in this case.”

The final verdict included a 15-month community order with mandated rehabilitation sessions and community service. Additionally, Hewitt was fined £600 and a £90 victim surcharge. He’s also prohibited from owning animals for the next decade.

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